
When I’m not editing, I love to write articles about the craft of writing.

Narrative Summary—How? Why? When?

          I get it that, in fiction, dramatic events need to be shown in scene. A single point-of-view character wants something and strives against obstacles to get it—all shown in the real-time of the story. And mundane events need to be...

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Ways to Create Subtext

Ways to Create Subtext

“…but I know it when I see it—” Subtext can be hard to define, but it’s worth the effort. It makes room for the part of a scene the intelligent reader brings to the story. Of course, the expertise of the clever-and-confident author sparks the reader’s contribution....

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How To Write the Emotion-Packed Scene

How To Write the Emotion-Packed Scene

Get Inside Your Character’s Head At the start of a story, I like to be very deep inside my character because I hope my readers will empathize with the character and come along for the story journey. I practice seeing through his eyes. Depending on how my character is...

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