Take your manuscript from good to SOLD!
ke your manuscript from good to SOLD!
We can help.
AuthorSpark editors work one-on-one with writers and embrace the writer’s vision. We help deliver your voice, style and artistic goal in short story, memoir, nonfiction, picture book, or novel.
One thing that sets AuthorSpark’s apart from other edits is the Power Edit, which includes a full set of teaching notes to help writers master their craft. Authors also work with an editor to structure the specific working relationship that fits best in your writing life.
This is your chance to see if we can work well together.
The first step is to begin with a free sample edit.
Send me up to three double-spaced pages of your project at teresa@AuthorSpark.org, and this will help me get familiar with your style and your vision.
The pages may be the first three pages or may include a back-of-the-book type blurb with some samples pages. It’s also really helpful for me to know how the story ends (if you already know that). Please send as an attachment, double-spaced, one-inch margins, twelve-point font, .doc or .docx format.
I’ll edit the three pages and respond by email, providing a markup and a report. When you’re ready we can schedule a free 30-minute phone conference to discuss your project and possible strategies.
During our 30-minute phone chat, I’ll share suggestions, ask questions, and recommend a possible next step.
He stood on a platform in City Park and addressed a crowd of like-minded souls. “I am a free man. I will not let any person, or any government, tell me how to live my life. I choose which road to take. I decide where I’m going to live, where I’m going to work....
Blessed Repentance
Now the tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to hear him. And the Pharisees and scribes murmured, saying, "This man receives sinners and eats with them." So he told them this parable: "What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he has lost one of them,...
3 Reasons Why You Need the Novel Analysis Worksheet
Are your key scenes in order?Use the Worksheet to Ensure Your Key Scenes are There and in Order The worksheet sets out—in order—the key scenes that appear in most commercial stories—novels or screenplays. In the middle column, descriptions and examples are provided....