Your writing project deserves a clearly thought-out plan of action.

And I can help.

Plus, this is your chance to see if we can work well together.

The first step is a free sample edit.
Send me up to three double-spaced pages of your project to, and this will help me get familiar with your style and your vision.

The pages may be the first three pages or may include a back-of-the-book type blurb with some samples pages. It’s also really helpful for me to know how the story ends (if you already know that). Please send as an attachment, double-spaced, one-inch margins, twelve-point font, .doc or .docx format.

I’ll edit the three pages and respond by email, providing a markup and a report. When you’re ready we can schedule a free 30-minute phone conference to discuss your project and possible strategies.

During our 30-minute phone chat, I’ll share suggestions, ask questions, and recommend a possible next step.

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